Enterprise Video Experience and Assurance Platform - Learn More


Exzellenz für Unternehmensvideos

Beschleunigen Sie die Einführung von Videos und optimieren Sie die Bereitstellung in Ihrem gesamten Unternehmen mit Kollective
für J-Stream Equipmedia

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Kollective für J-Stream Equipmedia

Unternehmensweite Video-Sicherheit

The burden on internal networks caused by increased video streaming traffic and the disparity in viewing quality seriously impacts the effectiveness of live and on-demand video across organizations.  Kollective for J-Stream Equipmedia optimizes video delivery, reduces bandwidth consumption by up to 99% and stabilizes the internal network, leading to exceptional video experiences across the entire enterprise.

Observe. Analayze. Optimize.

Kollective ist die erste und einzige Plattform, die Beobachtung, Analyse und Optimierung für groß angelegte Videoereignisse in einer einheitlichen, auf KI und ML basierenden Unternehmenslösung vereint.

Why Choose J-Stream Equipmedia?


Industry Leader

Über 4.000 Kunden in Japan vertrauen J-Stream Equipmedia als ihrer bevorzugten Unternehmensvideo-Lösung


User Centric

Intuitive design requires no special knowledge or IT literacy and provides a complete set of enterprise video features


Engagement Focused

Robust video portal streamlines communications and drives employee engagement

Taking Corporate Video to the Next Level

J-Stream Equipmedia's powerful video delivery and analytics capabilities combined with Kollective's industry-leading enterprise video platform accelerates video adoption and ensures business outcomes.

Einfache und skalierbare Videobereitstellung mit J Stream für Kollective

Stable Delivery

Effortless streaming using automatic live broadcasting for PC and mobile devices that also includes prompt cloud recording for on-demand access

J stream Video-Portal

Instant publishing

Leverage immediate availability of a multilingual video portal site, with Kollective's integration for video distribution to tens of thousands of employees

J Stream-Analysen ergänzen die kollective Netzwerkdiagnose-Tools

Leistungsstarke Analytik

Collaboration between Kollective's network visualization technology and J-Stream Equipmedia's advanced analytics improve user experience and network insights

Bringen Sie Ihre Videokommunikation auf ein neues Level

With Kollective for J-Stream Equipmedia, organizations reach every user at any location, avoid costly event failures and deliver flawless video content

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